Unpaid Overtime Lawyers

Here’s What You Can Do About Unpaid Overtime

Answers to your legal questions about unpaid overtime

Have you worked overtime but haven’t been paid for it? Don’t suffer in silence. Let the unpaid overtime attorneys at Zipin, Amster & Greenberg help you determine if you’re owed compensation from unpaid overtime and show you how to recover it.

What is unpaid overtime?

Our unpaid overtime lawyers have helped countless victims receive full compensation from not being paid for their work. One of our first responsibilities with unpaid overtime cases is to add clarity about what unpaid overtime really is.

In general, an employee who worked more than 40 hours in a week but wasn’t paid the proper ‘time and a half’ rate for their extra work hours is likely a victim of unpaid overtime. This is the case if they are paid hourly, daily, or per shift.

Unpaid overtime work may include:

  • Working before the beginning of a shift
  • Working after the end of a shift
  • Working during unpaid lunch breaks
  • Working from home or on the road

If you performed work similar to the above scenarios but weren’t paid overtime, contact our unpaid overtime attorneys today.

Is unpaid overtime illegal?

There are various state and federal laws that protect workers from being victims of unpaid overtime, including the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) which stipulates that any time worked over 40 hours per week is considered overtime.

Since the FLSA applies across the country, you can be certain that it is illegal for employers to not pay their employees 1.5 times their regular wage (time and a half) for any overtime work, unless there is a specific exemption in their case.

There are also state laws that can influence unpaid overtime cases, such as the nature of the work performed or the type of business. Our unpaid overtime attorneys can help you with the complexities of your unique case.

Who is exempt from overtime pay requirements?

There are some instances where companies are not required to pay overtime, such as with ‘exempt’ employees. Examples of exempt employees under Federal law include:

  • Newspaper delivery employees or other employees of certain small newspapers
  • Certain employees of recreational seasonal amusement establishments
  • Executive, administrative, and professional employees (including teachers and academic administrative personnel in elementary and secondary schools), outside sales employees, and certain skilled computer professionals (as defined in the Department of Labor’s regulations)
  • Casual babysitters and individuals working as companions to the elderly
  • Seamen employed on foreign vessels
  • Fishing operations employees
  • Certain domestic service workers
  • Movie theater employees
  • Salespersons, parts clerks, and mechanics of auto, truck, trailer, aircraft, boat, or farm implements employed by non-manufacturing establishments that primarily sell those items to certain purchasers
  • Farm workers
  • Commissioned employees of certain retail or service establishments
  • Certain employees paid on approved trip-rate plans, including taxi drivers, certain motor carrier employees, railroad and air carrier employees, local delivery employees, and seamen on American vessels
  • Announcers, news editors, and chief engineers of certain non-metropolitan broadcasting stations

However, these exemptions may not apply to State law. Our unpaid overtime attorneys can help you know whether you are exempt.

Why do some companies not pay overtime?

Some companies simply don’t want to pay overtime to save money. They may attempt to get around the legal protections for overtime workers by illegal means, thinking they can get away with it. Companies may illegally try and avoid paying overtime by:

  • Incorrectly classifying workers as independent contractors or exempt employees, both of which are not entitled to overtime.
  • Asking employees to perform work before they clock in or after they clock out
  • Not paying employees for certain work-related duties that are required of them, such as attending meetings or training sessions

Our overtime violation attorneys can help you go from being a victim of unpaid overtime to getting the compensation you deserve by utilizing the numerous overtime laws in place that protect your rights.

Can I sue for unpaid overtime?

Employers who do not pay their employees for overtime hours can be taken to court. This is because it is illegal to deny an employee their overtime payment, as stipulated in the above-mentioned Fair Labor Standards Act.

Some employees may not hire an unpaid overtime attorney because they don’t believe they can afford one. However, they may qualify for contingency-based legal help where they only pay a percentage of what they are awarded but won’t pay anything if nothing is recovered.

Contact the unpaid overtime attorneys at Zipin, Amster & Greenberg for legal assistance with your unpaid overtime case.

Experienced Unpaid Overtime Lawyers Serving Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC

With a combined experience of over six decades, our unpaid overtime attorneys at Zipin, Amster & Greenberg know exactly how to win your case.

We’ll examine all of the details surrounding the type of work you performed, what transpired, and how matters were handled by your employer. We’ll then consult all of the applicable labor laws and worker protections to take a fully-developed legal approach to get you the compensation you deserve.

Unpaid Overtime Attorneys Who Know How To Win

Having won thousands of cases for our past clients, our wage theft lawyers at Zipin, Amster & Greenberg have recovered millions of dollars for victims of employers who owed them wages. Let us provide you with the legal advantage you need to receive the full compensation that you’re entitled to.

Do you have unpaid overtime? Contact our Unpaid Overtime Lawyers for Help

Zipin, Amster & Greenberg provides legal assistance for victims of unpaid overtime. We’re ready to put to work our decades of legal insights, knowledge, and experience for you, getting you the justice and compensation you deserve.

Fill out our contact form or call us at 301-587-9373.

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Contact Our Employment Lawyers Today

The attorneys at Zipin, Amster & Greenberg are ready to use their employment law knowledge, resources, and insights to effectively handle your case.

Contact us today to book an in-office consultation. Fill out our contact form or call us at 301-587-9373.

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