Unpaid Commissions Lawyers
Learn What You Can Do To Get Justice With Unpaid Commissions From Our Attorneys
Here’s what you need to know about unpaid commissions
After hours or even days of hard work, the last thing you deserve is to have your hard-earned commissions withheld. Zipin, Amster & Greenberg wants you to get the full amount that is owed to you in unpaid commissions. Let us show you everything you need to know about unpaid commissions as well as how to recover them.
What are commissions?
If your job is sales-related, then you probably receive a specific amount of money with each sale you make. This amount of money is your commission, a payment provided to you by your employer to reward your hard work and effort for making more sales for the company.
Commissions often involve a percentage of sales or a number of sales that an employee makes. Some examples of common commission wages are:
- An employee gets paid x% of each pair of glasses sold at their eyewear store
- A sales rep gets paid $x for each new client their company onboards
Commissions are defined by a commission agreement, which outlines how an employer will calculate and pay their employees commissions. Ideally, this is a simple process–that is, until some employers don’t pay those commissions.
Is it illegal to not pay commissions?
The unpaid commissions lawyers at Zipin, Amster & Greenberg have studied the laws, policies, and employee protections surrounding commissions. That’s why we can say for a certainty that it is certainly illegal to withhold paying an employee their commissions when there’s a commission agreement in place.
Different states have different laws that impact how an unpaid commissions case is pursued. For example, the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law requires employers to pay wages to their employees on time for the work they perform–which includes paying their commissions. Contact our unpaid commissions attorneys for further help in understanding the employer laws where you live.
How to collect unpaid commissions
We have helped hundreds of clients just like you collect unpaid commissions. With all of this industry experience, our unpaid commissions attorneys noted some of the best practices when it comes to collecting unpaid commissions:
The first step is to start tracking what work you did for each sale or transaction from which you haven’t been paid commissions. Include any important details such as what role you played and the sale’s importance.
Start by contacting your employer to address the issue in case it was simply a mistake or oversight. While communicating with your employer, remain professional and cordial, remembering that any written or spoken communication may eventually be used in court.
If there hasn’t been any progress made in resolving the issue yourself, contact the unpaid commissions attorneys at Zipin, Amster & Greenberg to receive experienced legal representation to receive everything owed to you.
Experienced Unpaid Commissions Lawyers
Zipin, Amster & Greenberg’s unpaid commissions attorneys specialize in taking the right steps to win your case. Thanks to a thorough knowledge of all of the laws in place to protect you, we’ll provide every advantage available to award you the compensation you deserve.
Employment Attorneys With A Record Of Success
Each year, our unpaid commission lawyers at Zipin, Amster & Greenberg help our clients receive millions of dollars in settlements and awards thanks to our decades of insights and experience. We’ll provide the same help for you so that you can receive justice with your unpaid commissions case.
Have Your Commissions Been Withheld? Then Contact Our Unpaid Commissions Lawyers
If you’ve been the victim of employers not paying the commissions you’ve earned, it’s important to know that you don’t need to try to collect them on your own. Instead, let our unpaid commissions attorneys put their knowledge and understanding of employment law to work for you, putting you in control of your unpaid commission case.
Zipin, Amster & Greenberg are ready to provide legal assistance for victims of employers withholding commissions. Our six decades of collective experience as employment attorneys is at the ready to help collect every dollar you deserve.
Fill out our contact form or call us at 301-587-9373.
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