Maryland Whistleblower Attorneys

Whistleblower Litigation Lawyers

The attorneys at Zipin, Amster & Greenberg help clients pursue whistleblower claims against their employers. A whistleblower is someone, usually an employee, who has knowledge of a violation of law occurring in a workplace who reports this violation to a government agency.

Whistleblower statutes generally prohibit employers from firing a worker who is a whistleblower; they also prohibit employers from firing employees who participate in government investigations and hearings relating to violations of law at the workplace.

Whistleblower Claims

Any person who is aware of a company or individual who has defrauded the federal government may file a claim under the False Claims Act. A reward is granted to this person for helping to recover damages on the government’s behalf.

Protected Whistleblowing

Protected whistleblowing may include disclosing information which evidences:

  • Violation of a rule, law or regulation
  • Gross mismanagement
  • Gross waste of funds
  • An abuse of authority
  • Substantial or specific danger to public health or safety

The False Claims Act provides a financial incentive for employees or people with knowledge of fraud to disclose this information to the government and to assist in prosecution. Virtually anyone who knows of an instance of fraud may file a qui tam lawsuit, including employees, competitors, subcontractors or clients.

Contact our Whistleblower Litigation Attorneys

If you know of an instance of fraud towards the federal government or if you have been treated adversely due to whistleblowing, you may benefit from a consultation with an employment law attorney at Zipin, Amster & Greenberg.

Contact Our Employment Lawyers Today

The attorneys at Zipin, Amster & Greenberg are ready to use their employment law knowledge, resources, and insights to effectively handle your case.

Contact us today to book an in-office consultation. Fill out our contact form or call us at 301-587-9373.

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